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What about our professional training background?

Cátedra de Emprendedores has always tried to provide people from the university community and derivatives with essential skills needed to create an innovative and successful project with basic resources and no fear of failure.

Down below, you’ll find some of the most interesting training courses and programs we’ve carried out over the last years.

Intrepida. The purpose of this project is to internationalize Spanish and Portuguese entrepreneur women for employability, professional development and business partnerships. The great thing about Intrepida is its commitment with business women and its aim to increase business competitiveness.

Torolab. Undergraduates working groups have been allowed to be as creative as possible in order to develop effective entrepreneurial solutions for The Osborne Foundation’s problems. This project has been a perfect way to make an initial contact with the job market throughout student’s academic knowledges.

AtrÉBT. In 2019, Cátedra de Emprendedores brought out a dynamic ideas contest in which entrepeneurs had to be as creative as possible if they really wanted to win the prize. AtrÉBT encouraged people (coming from the university community or not) to create their own social, technological, humanistic or cultural projects in order to enter the contest. Much of the knowledge they’ve acquired at University would be truly useful for participants, which was one of the best points of the program.

Laboratorio Campus Emprende. These training workshops aimed to provide people with essential skills to design a project idea and create their prototype with no fear of failure as it is hard to succeed at the beginning of an enterprise journey.

Masterup. Last but not least, Masterup is a postgraduate course in which students learn the deepest knowledge about creating, designing and prototyping their own innovative business projects. Although Masterup takes place at the University of Cádiz every year, an increasingly amount of students from other countries is enrolling in the course, which makes the experience more enriching.

For more information about training courses, please contact us link